
Maybe Fred and Dawes are in some sort of power struggle for control of the OPA.

In the opening scene with Julie you here over the ships intercom something like "Target acquired, ready to fire." Then what sounds like missiles being fired. So, I think that is the Anubis destroying the Canterbury.

Not exactly fireworks when they meet? They meet in the middle of a shootout! Other than literal fireworks, what more do you want from them?

*Elise Holden

Based on the synopsis for the episodes, it looks like Season 1 will end around Chapter 32 of 55 in Leviathan Wakes, so 55-60%. I'd say it's the best place to end the first season if you aren't going to finish the entire book.

It's definitely Don Quixote.

Not live, but I set my DVR to recored the 3 episodes, and the 3 next week. I'd been looking for a way to watch the show for the last month or so without needing to pirate it or buy the season pass blind.

Strait is 29, seems pretty close to me, I think Holden is 31 in Leviathan Wakes. He is also described by Naomi as being "too pretty" in the book.

Let's just say The Expanse's equivalent to dragons and white walkers arrives much, much faster.

Eh, as long as Syfy doesn't give up on it. It's not like Game of Thrones was an immediate pop culture phenomenon. People didn't start declaring it the greatest thing ever until season 3 or 4.

You forgot about Mars bloated military budget.

I think my favorite part of the review is how the reviewer mocks the intro that explains the existing political dynamics in the solar system, then later complains that the show doesn't just flat out tell him exactly what's going on.

The show explicitly said the tickets were only $50, and the hotel was only for one night.

That's the President!

Well, at the Battle of Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back, the entire objective of the ground assault is to disable the Rebels' shield generators so the Empire can commence an orbital bombardment. The Rebels' defensive strategy was only to delay the ground assault long enough to evacuate the base.

More like they want to tantalize their audience with that question as long as possible.

"Hope you brought a better class of soldier than those stormtroopers."

I think Hera's original mission was to monitor Vidian and determine what he was up to at the planet and to get the intel from her source.

I realize this is 6 months late, but you should read A New Dawn which tells how Hera and Kanan met and joined up and explains Kanan's history as a Jedi padawan and surviving the Jedi Purge and why he is such a poor and reluctant Jedi as you have observed.

It seems to be the order in which they joined the crew, although you could argue based on events in A New Dawn that Hera should be Spectre 1 and Kanan should be Spectre 2 since the Ghost is Hera's ship and she recruits Kanan to join her in opposing the Empire.