
Wait, did Ian Astbury just say that he "grew up through the Falklands War"? That might be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

Wait, did Ian Astbury just say that he "grew up through the Falklands War"? That might be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

What gives? If I wanted to listen to the Hatecast, I'D FUCKING SUBSCRIBE TO IT!

What gives? If I wanted to listen to the Hatecast, I'D FUCKING SUBSCRIBE TO IT!

Man, I really loved Onion SportsDome. I would quickly purchase a DVD of that season. I thought it was so much better done than the IFC show.

Man, I really loved Onion SportsDome. I would quickly purchase a DVD of that season. I thought it was so much better done than the IFC show.

I got to see The Orkly Kid presented by Crispin Glover in Olympia, WA back in 1994. I've never seen another print/DVD/tape of any of those since. That was pretty neat. I even got to ask him about the infamous Letterman appearance, one of my pre-internet obsessions, and received a pithy non-response for my troubles.

I got to see The Orkly Kid presented by Crispin Glover in Olympia, WA back in 1994. I've never seen another print/DVD/tape of any of those since. That was pretty neat. I even got to ask him about the infamous Letterman appearance, one of my pre-internet obsessions, and received a pithy non-response for my troubles.

I read Wartime in a college course about the 20th century American wars. It was a real eye-opener. It was the first time I had ever read anyone write so frankly about the physical human toll of warfare. It was as though all other critics just decided that it was a given that everyone had the same thoughts about bombs,

I read Wartime in a college course about the 20th century American wars. It was a real eye-opener. It was the first time I had ever read anyone write so frankly about the physical human toll of warfare. It was as though all other critics just decided that it was a given that everyone had the same thoughts about bombs,

Count me among "Lonely Night's" appreciators. I think a lot of it had to do with the weird video, which confused and delighted a nine-year-old remarkablyadept. It all seemed so serious and melancholy, which apparently I was drawn to.

Count me among "Lonely Night's" appreciators. I think a lot of it had to do with the weird video, which confused and delighted a nine-year-old remarkablyadept. It all seemed so serious and melancholy, which apparently I was drawn to.

I thought the book was amusing enough in high school, but I realized later that naming an album comprised entirely of stage banter as your top Worst Rock n' Roll album instantly destroys credibility.

I thought the book was amusing enough in high school, but I realized later that naming an album comprised entirely of stage banter as your top Worst Rock n' Roll album instantly destroys credibility.

Agreed. Here's hoping the recaps continue.

Agreed. Here's hoping the recaps continue.

@avclub-4ffb501622730d8edf123c6a6917b09d:disqus I'd happily pay three American dollars to read your email.

@avclub-4ffb501622730d8edf123c6a6917b09d:disqus I'd happily pay three American dollars to read your email.

Worse than Manuel Ortiz? I call shenanigans.

Worse than Manuel Ortiz? I call shenanigans.