
Cat's Cradle.

Pretty sure you meant "Wango Tango."

"Pope wear a funny hat?"

I like your avatar, dude. Visqueen-related?

Why are three of the five Best Actor in a TV Series nominations from TV movies/miniseries?

Ooo! I also remember thinking that the Muppet version of "Time in a Bottle" was somehow more melancholy than Croce's original.

I was also largely unmoved by the song in the movie as well. I used it at my wedding and also a friend's funeral the month prior. I also watched A LOT of TMS episodes and movies running up to it, so I was a little weary at the time.

Not to mention the Mummenschanz episode, which I'm sure will be mentioned plenty as a source of childhood terror.

I feel you. When I was a kid, two Muppet bits had me convinced they were the saddest things ever:

That was hands-down my favorite SNL moment of the last 15 years.

Probably the worst lipsyncing I've seen on SNL since _______

I love the punk royals and I don't care who knows it.

I am set straight and hang my foam rubber head in shame.

"Titwillow" is perfect in every way.

I thought that album was almost entirely disappointing, save for Alkaline Trio's "Movin' Right Along."

Daddy loves froggy.

It's interesting to note that, as of 12/6/11, the first season has the lowest mortality rate of the five Muppet Show seasons at roughly 30%. I'm amazed that Charles Aznavour, Ruth Buzzi, Jim Nabors and the like are still kicking 35 years later. I haven't done the math about all five seasons yet, but the bodies sure

I thought of "Doreen" also, especially for this verse:

It's weird to reply to myself, but I have to say "Like a Rock" was released in 1986 and therefore firmly entrenched in his Gawdawful period.

Are you saying that medieval superstition *wasn't* based on rock-solid logic?