
So, Jack Logan then?

I reckon
"Gay Sportscenter" made me laugh more than just about anything on 30 Rock ever.

I thought
It was a Taxi homage to Vic Ferrari before the "Andre" reveal.

Re: Fade to white being a response to the Sopranos: I don't see it. If anything it was a tip of the cap to Six Feet Under, a show that really set the bar for finales in a lot of ways and regularly used white when anyone died.

Nice turn of phrase
"Dabbled with Billy Joel." I like it.

Men and women sure are different!
Phil's reference to Carly Simon's theme song for Working Girl is enough to keep me watching. That's great writing.

I've seen Hearts of Fire. It's abhorrent.

He's a little wooden in his show on the Science Channel, Blais Off. Stupid name but interesting concept: He travels to well-regarded joints and tries to out-do their best dish. I've only seen one where he tried to make a whimsical burger, but the patrons of the restaurant still declared the original dish to be better.

We've been frantically trying to reach you, Dude.

Well I'll only be 82!

Calmer 'n you are

Calmer 'n you are.

We're in a tight spot!

It's worth noting that the SNL stage has treated just about every performer poorly over the last ten years or so. Not sure what the acoustics are all about, but decent-sounding performances are definitely the exception.