
holy hell man! I didn't ever notice, but wow they do!

My top 3
Must see bands:
The Noisettes
Scissors for Lefty
The Cool Kids

weird taste
So I had these Airheads last night, (the candy, not Brendan Fraiser and band) and they had 2 new flavors for the Spiderwick movie. One was cinnamon flavor, it was so good!! The other, a honey flavor that was kinda sour…smelled like twat honey

I suggest the Jenna Jameson book, don't remember the name, but I highly doubt there is more than one! How to make love like a porn star, or something equally retarded.
Actually though, it was a good book I couldn't put down. She is one fucked up lady, says the fucked up lady!

They probably thought her dark hair made her look too "plus". While she does look a bit slimmer with blonde, she doesn't stand out as much to me

I wouldn't say she's a bitch, just very conceited and full of herself. Very full…overflowing really
But I did find it very funny when Fatima called her ass fat. How the hell was she supposed to know Allison had anorexia?? haha

Tell em Large Marge sent ya

I think
I think its pronounced Peen-A-Lope

what is photoshop? is that a place to buy pictures?

That was some fine puppeting…puppetry?

Wanna be on top?
So completely different subject here…what happened to the top model recaps/witty model bashing?
You guys are missing gold! First episode in, and there is already vagina mutilation(not being done by Nigel Barker, noted fashion photographer, but a truamatic childhood in Somalia) and breast milk drinking!

now sing that in a dr. evil voice

wait wait wait…
there is a movie about sammitches???

most people just assume I am a hobo

I love this guy! It sounded to me like he was trying to out Ryan at first,before he decided to sexually harass Jennifer Garner
I loved that show on comedy central with him, and he gave me a Buseyism that I will always remember
"Imagination is the hood ornament on the car of your creativity."

Worse than?
And I thought it would be impossible to make a movie WORSE than the health inspector one. I actually received that as a gift from my ex last christmas…that is why he is my ex

hey, it's better than the used diaper filled with indian food flavor!

Lady only here cause she humping director

Happy fucking Valentines everyone! Now who's got the whip cream??

That was fast! Last night on Fox, a commercial came on for "all new shows!" Simpsons, King of the Hill, all of it. They sure didn't waste anytime getting us sucked back into the television vortex!