
Crap, this is exactly the development this show has been waiting for. A little weekly Thurl Ravenscroft musical interlude, and some Karloff voiceover.

Indeed! Thanks G for the enlightening tip*. I've spent the last hour learning how to copula*.

"Stephen Lang will back…"
Who the fuck needs an infinitive they just get in the way. To the Snark posthaste!


I find it impossible to reply to this post without bringing extra attention to Hooded Justice's quietly slipped-in detail of having received Gould's *first* Goldberg. If he'd had given you the second recording, that's what I would call zemblanity.

"… and going to their tastefully appointed homes and resuming a life of banal evil."

Perfect is correct, though for me it works as a story about the American Dream (tm?). This could have been an equally great movie about immigrant shoemakers (Phil Knight is coming to town!) or fay theater producers (Guffman is coming to review the musical). The climax/gut punch is when Holm fucking devastates with

<—— places a calming hand on Narrator's shoulder.

Enough with these ballasted puns!

No, not bad at all, das bootiful.

>>>“Jose” still wears hoodies, because he’s a criminal.
Not too soon, O'Neal. Not too soon at all.

Yeah, where was Dowd's copy editorizing person?

I'll bite. What's the referenced Inception line?

You're an inanimate fucking object!

A pleasure to catch up with Jojo Frakes. Only one of these statements is false:
1. Our current president is Millard Fillmore.
2. Mr Lolo and I had sex in Davies Symphony Hall while they played Mahler's 8th.
3. Mr Lolo and I named our first-born Riker.

That sentence is (so poorly) constructed so as to lend itself to such out-of-context quoting, given the sensitive subject.  If we were to draw a graph of my reading process of this review, it would be something like this: casalolo, casalolo, casalolo, action, "that sentence sucked ass!", cut, casalolo casalolo

Tobey Maguire is sitting in a room different from the one you are in now. He is recording the sound of your speaking voice and is going to play it back into the room again and again until the resonant frequencies of the room reinforce themselves so that any semblance of your speech, with perhaps the exception of

Eats Shits Leaves Comma

Eats Shits Leaves

Like Allison Harvard.