Inbred Hillbilly

I think we got us a sow here instead of a boar!

Ain't nothin' that ain't made better with goats!

A bunch o' fellers, a knocked up broad, a river, and false teeth, what's not ta like?!?

Mebbe a subplot involving man's love for his fella man?!?

Wanna go campin'?

Y'all say inbreeding like it's a bad thing.

"Looks like we got us a sow here instead of a boar!"

Let's you just drop them pants!

Looks like we got us a sow here instead of a boar!

Git yore own sister!

You can do better than that, boy

In that case…let's you just drop them pants.

Wanna go campin'?!?

I'm sick and tired of southerners being represented as incestuous, uneducated, ill mannered rape aficionados.

I'm sick and tired of southerners being represented as incestuous, uneducated, ill mannered rape aficionados.

Thatun's shore gots a purty mouth!

Thatun's shore gots a purty mouth!

Heh heh heh…Thet thar was funny!

Heh heh heh…Thet thar was funny!

He got a real pretty mouth, ain't he?