This is the kinda frothy fun that keeps me returning between the honest-to-goodness powerhouse episodes. Drunk Snow and Regina trying to get her Oprah on was funny. The Nautilis rocks, as does Karen David.
This is the kinda frothy fun that keeps me returning between the honest-to-goodness powerhouse episodes. Drunk Snow and Regina trying to get her Oprah on was funny. The Nautilis rocks, as does Karen David.
Depends on how much hammered dulcimer he brings to play.
Back in the day, San Diego was Wobblies' central. Like, Emma Goldman used to go down and rile up the longshoremen and stuff.
That was the BIG RED NO for me while watching the trailer. Geez, Louise, at least Beetlejuice was rated PG, why not quote that?
Awww. I sent this in early yesterday.
Is it too late for one? I have many shallow thoughts about the characters of Walter and Georgina and the actors who play them. Only talking about them is completely, utterly spoiloholic.
Well, my first time was last night. It was masterful. Like a Patton Oswald Tweetstorm. No, even better …
The D grade seems to be a little low. That said, I don't know what Chris Brown brought that couldn't be done by some other singer (or a comedic actor who can carry a tune). When he was onscreen, my major thought was, "I hope Tracee and Jenifer kept a protective ring about Yara …" That A plot was fine, otherwise (my…
Personally, for me, growing up in L.A., I knew the Nod, I acknowledged the Nod, I didn't need the Nod. After 6 years in Seattle - I'm too on the border of introversion to instigate the Nod, but boy, did I appreciate it so much. I was Ralph Ellison's Invisible Woman up in the Pacific Northwest and that was wearying.
Has BSS always had horns? Because I'm a sucker for a band with horns, and no one told me …
Cuomo? Andrew??
But it makes Sara smile.
Boys, boys, hold on …
You are not the only one. I prefer Gchat to Hangouts, to be honest, and when I can get the plugin to work, I find the voice function to be less buggy than Skype over wifi. Dagnabit.
Preach, son.
I know, objectively, that RDJ's range goes beyond 'cynically charming rectal orifice' but how MUCH beyond 'cynically charming rectal orifice'? Because right now, I can't see it. Mind you, I couldn't see Eddie Murphy as Doctor Doolittle, either, but at least at least he had The Nutty Professor and Coming to America to…
I could buy Ice-T as Dr. Doolittle faster than I could RDJ.
I think there was a brief story on Vulture that said some scenes had actually been filmed where Gaston exhibits what appears to be PTSD, but most of it ended up being cut.
As one of the few on this site disposed to like Beauty and the Beast, I saw it. Very pretty, full of nostalgic moments. The library scene got me, and like Franko says above, Emma and Dan have great chemistry. Kevin Kline did yeoman's work as Maurice. It's not a great movie by any stretch of the imagination, but I…
I see the appeal, but personally, I veer more towards hot intense British thespians who brood well on screen (Clive Owen, Tom Hiddleston, Dan Stevens, Idris Elba).