I'm watching this delayed as it goes right up against Legion. Dang it! Last season, I could watch the East Coast feed and get my crying and Twitter hysterics over with by the time Black-ish came on.
I'm watching this delayed as it goes right up against Legion. Dang it! Last season, I could watch the East Coast feed and get my crying and Twitter hysterics over with by the time Black-ish came on.
This article made me happy. Then reading the comments made me sad? MCMoon Man co-opted by the alt-right??? Why???
I'm trying to get to the Thor comment thread. Can anyone point the way?
I started recognizing Woodbine after he played the death row prisoner in Holly Hunter's basic cable show, Saving Grace.
The knife scene just won my heart completely.
I thought Craig Bierko would have a bigger film career after that movie. He was FUN.
Or that she'd say no?
"You broke your little ship …"
Usually, I can tell when something isn't loading because of corporate policy because where the content should be is a firewall notice, telling me why I can't see it & to call IT if an exception needs to be made.
I occasionally had fun hypos in law school. Sadly, nowadays, I can only remember the one my study group argued most over (contract hypo involving a vineyard & grape rot, only the type of grape rot that leads to dessert wine), and the weirdest one, by my silver fox civ pro prof, which was basically:
Hmmm. Maybe it's just me … but is anyone else having issues with photos/outside media loading in articles? I can see 3 photo credits at the bottom of this piece, but not the photos (I do see the header and two upper photos). I also couldn't get the Instagram posts to load in the Nashville article.
Upvote for Shaft in Africa based solely on the soundtrack.
True, but Albert Finney doesn't do a bad job as Poirot, either. And we get Lauren Bacall, too.
The first time I ever heard of aspic was while watching that movie. Needless to say, I have yet to touch aspic in my life.
Strange, the Instagram posts don't even begin to load for me.
Head on Dominion gave me joy.
I binged the show when I first discovered it, and I still uphold the reasons why it fascinated me. So much of the show dealt with labor-management relations and organizational psychology - Tapper never hesitated to point out who was working their tail off to get the place to succeed, no matter how far down the…
Mexican kimchi?
People with sweet tooths (sweet teeth?) who like the idea of getting wasted but don't actually care for the taste of alcohol. Otherwise known as 'teens with fake IDs'.
That show was my introduction to Enrico Colantoni AND Wendy Malick, and thus, it is remembered with fondness.