
Shocked that one of the first albums I bought last year, that was RELEASED that year, won. Congrats to Fantastic Negrito and The Last Days of Oakland for best Contemporary Blues album! I may never watch Empire again, but at least the show introduced me (and perhaps a bunch of others) to that band.

Is it too much to hope that she shows up on Mercy Street? The series is surprisingly light in dedicated abolitionists or whites who actually speak up for the Union cause on more than one occasion.

Do you mean Kewpie mayo? It's sweet, right? I think I had it once in a unagi burrito. Not bad, but I didn't fall in love, and I generally don't like mayo with my sushi.

You were young and it was cheap and easy to get to?

That ONE song? Come on, Completely Miserable is so funny.

*gasp*! I'm in San Francisco 5 days a week! Is it possible I can try this?

If you bake it in - yes, it's just as weird as honey walnut shrimp. Hot mayo is disgusting.

Upvoted for fig jam. And a lovely rant. But mostly the fig jam.

Watched this with the Minty Fresh Geek. I'm amused by Jackie and Van, and Ron gets some good lines. Right now, he only likes Jackie and thinks she's the only one who approaches 3 dimensions. I think the show would be stronger if the other characters had more than just tics and quirks (except Van - he's supposed to be

I can honestly say I do not love him as Don John in Much Ado About Nothing. OTOH, he has this sweet charismatic side that really does deliver for him in sappy movies, like A Walk in the Clouds and The Lake House and Something's Gotta Give.

I'm one of those weird Californians who like weird Californian pizzas. The weirder the better (although I draw a line at corn and mayo). To those who shun adventurous pizza, I say to you:

I saw the trailer for this before Hidden Figures and it felt like Oscar/BAFTA-bait. But, maybe I'll give it a shot someday.

But is it sung by an acapella children's choir in a minor key?

I am reminded that I want to see the first John Wick, but it has to be at the right time, i.e. not around the holidays and not around my Minty Fresh Geek.

Giancarlo Esposito played Giardello's son. And depending on which audience you ask, he's better known as The Magic Mirror (from Once Upon a Time) or Gus Fring (from Breaking Bad).

So jealous!

I think Mateo is still a virgin.

I dunno, he was perfectly charming with Isabelle Huppert last night. Not deep, but not boring. And when he asks guests about things he cares about (like religion), it can spark an interesting conversation. That said, the interviews are not the reason to watch Late Night, unless it's someone big, like Joe Biden.

I'm still willing to be sold on Sophie, but honestly, I thought Sloan was a keeper.

Season 2, Mr. Robot.