
I contributed to Hidden Figures box office standing this weekend. Yay! It's not a cinematic movie but it was a lovely story, and I loved the performances. Also, as someone who grew up with someone from the same generation as those women (but much different circumstances), it was marvelous to see the mixture of

Maybe? Odds are, they won't go bad, but the cooking times may be off, and the food, once cooked, may be drier or soggier than usual.

I watched it in reruns when I was much younger … teens or early 20s - I liked it, but nowadays, it's pretty dated and completely lacking in subtlety or true hilarity.

I did like the BBC adaptation of Death Comes to Pemberly - I read the novel first, and as an Austen fan who'd heard great things about PD James, I ended up being very disappointed by the end. The TV version gave me a chance to wrap my head around the ending, while jettisoning some of the more meandering points in the

Huzzah! Congrats!


Were any of the birds corvids? Or owls?

I need to re-read the books in the series that I read, and finish the books I didn't read.

I'm sure the Newswire is being worked on as I type, but William Peter Blatty, author of The Exorcist, has died:

Join us, on the island of misfit taquerias, with a whole range of agua frescas in those clear plastic barrels and Mexico-bottled Coca Cola.

He means giant, irradiated ants, of course.

My place of work once had a catered taco/bowl bar from Qdoba - the grilled chicken was impressively tasty but when I went to a location to see about getting a chicken bowl or taco, I couldn't find an option that wasn't drowning in some sauce.

That not-spicy thing, while seeming to be healthy, seems to be why it was so popular near where I used to work (downtown Seattle), there were lines nearly out the door every day, even in the middle of the whole e. coli debacle.

Ding ding ding!

I thought he looked like a waxen figure of Gerard Depardieu, starting to melt in a hot car, in the one still I've seen. There's the principle, and then there's the execution.

What would be really funny would be Marlon Brando (played by Cox) narrating his decades-former love affair with Wally Cox.

the Seahawks realized that Boom is permanently stoned

I called my new congresscritter to request that he vote against the budget resolution bill on Friday. Why? Because an Obamacare repeal, matching the legislation passed late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning, is tied up in the bill.

They don't sing as much on Empire as they do on CEG, but several in the cast (along with guest stars) perform original music on the show, which is then released on iTunes.