
So, Humans + The Guest = Small Wonder 2.0? I'm sold. Can Dan Stevens play Ted Lawson?

Again, no idea if it's true, or how much of it was true. Maybe he didn't need Bolivian marching powder to be a rectal orifice to a hugely pregnant woman he dragged out of bed.

So … Leverage: The Musical?


Yes, but think of the epic rug burn …

How much coke did you do?

Much agreed. I can waver in and out, attention-wise, with the various sketches and musical performances, but the News From Lake Woebegon almost always seized my attention, and were the best parts of the show, for me.

I think that most people were not expecting it to be as charming as it was, so it's basically over-correction.

Buying. Started off with a 4-pack of high-protein shakes recommended by Prevention magazine, now switching to a Costco brand.

That was cool. Thanks, AV Club!

I apologize … I was attempting to demonstrate empathy. There was a period in my life where all of my roommates and fandom friends were either pagan, atheist or irreligious or contemptuous of Christianity. Which I don't consider a bad thing, but I had to take a lot of deep breaths or else I would have also been

I thought Gunsmoke aired on MeTV for a while.

As someone who once had a bunch of friends who made 'dead guy on a stick' a meme for a while … deep breaths. Deep breaths.

Isn't that already the subtext of Dracula, if you take out all of the biting and coffins?

Actually, it wasn't bad at all. She was a tall, lithe, pretty 20something with a good sense of humour and a sense of adventure. And it was a short trip - not even 36 hours on the ground, but I had fun, and she had a blast.

The Diet Thread I Promised

Updated my blog (backend and front end) and wrote a short but sweet blog post over the weekend.


If you want to write genre fiction, look for a national genre fiction association, then see if there are local chapters. Also, there may well be local and regional writer associations for fiction and non-fiction writers, and if they are worth their salt, they'll have classes and seminars on the business of writing.