
Just your weekly hug of congratulations. *HUG*

The makers of thirtysomething, My So-Called Life and Glory are showrunning Nashville.

His daughter's roommate, I think. And yeah, Jack McCoy nudged the line on a regular basis but he barreled past it, as far as the spirit of the law goes.

Son of Zorn
Timeless (I'll watch it, but doggone it, genre just doesn't do well on certain nights on certain networks)
American Housewife
Pure Genius
Criminal Minds (with both Shemar Moore & Thomas Gibson leaving, I think the show is in a spot of trouble)

You read my mind. Although I was going to say, "Madonna, if she was a better actress …"

My evidence prof (a county prosecutor) actually screened part of Anatomy of a Murder for us and encouraged us to watch the whole thing. I can't say I personally enjoy the film, but it is mesmerizing — and perhaps the origin of the trope of the Good Ol' Country Lawyer making the big-gun/high-priced/out of town attorney

I am really sorry. That you have the time and wherewithal to discuss politics on a regular basis, with sophistication, thought and care … you have my admiration.

There's a Joe's Crab Shack in this state? Huh.

I'm not sure I'm really looking forward to anything on the big screen, but I'll fudge and say the live-action Beauty & the Beast. My favourite fairy tale, and I think Dan Stevens is the bee's knees, so I hope it doesn't suck.

Agreed, Blue is heartbreaking. But something about Red … the wholeness and connectedness that threads through it just rocked me to my core.

You are speaking my language.

I can see that. Right now, Georgie still comes off as very naive, and I'm already sick of Queenie as of the Christmas in a twee English village book. Also, not quite on Darcy's side yet. 6 books and does Georgie even know his favourite colour? His mum's name? He's too cagey for such a sheltered girl, really.

More left than The Nation? More left than Amy Goodman and the Pacifica Radio Network? More left than New Statesmen or Jacobin?

Don't forget about that 3some with Bob Garfield.

I'm imagining that the old Sandwich Monday articles were where the NPR commentariat let loose with the snarkiest, most ribald, no-holds-barred … well, you get the picture.

You would say that.

Blue is lovely, but Red struck me in the heart.

Condolences. I'm so sorry.

Ironically, one of the best purveyors of weird pizza I know of is a cheese-shop collective (yes: a worker-owned cheese shop) that started a pizza side business to show off their cheeses. Ah, Berkeley, how I miss you still.