
Is it wrong that I want a reboot of Friday the 13th: The Series?

Have they all appeared on the show or are you just hoping for a Chicago Hope reunion? And where's Christine Lahti?

My torts professor was arrested and convicted for having child porn. It was found on his work machine when he complained about slow performance and someone from the law school IT team examined it.


One can hope.

Does this mean that Monsieur Vidocq is also the inspiration for Poe's C. Auguste Dupin?

I've read arguments proposing that the summer Olympics be permanently installed in Athens. They already have the infrastructure, they desperately need the funds from tourism and Olympic-related travel, and it would limit some of the power of the IOC.

Imagining Sean rocking one of the twins to sleep while putting the finishing touches on this post just makes it more delightfully bizarre.

We can make this happen. We have the power.

I've not done any writing.

I need to get back into F*ck Feelings, but I went into Seattle's excellent mystery bookstore and did the whole 'so there's a book with a woman who' … and the clerk knew what I was talking about! So, I have a 3-in-1 volume of Rhys Bowen and a series about a woman who is 34th or 36th in line for the British throne, but

Truth be told, I prefer the 2nd book to the 1st - the stakes are higher and it just seems warmer. But it could be me, and I don't know if you'd like it if you don't like the first one.

1) More turns of health. I should call the doctor again and see if I'm possibly anemic - I have the some of the symptoms, and then I have very odd symptoms where I don't know what's going on - but I'm tired of going to the doctor.

If you find something fairly ecumenical, please share. I'm a bad Baptist who loses her train of thought all too often while praying and ends up frustrated and not praying enough.

I know how you feel. I'm in the same mire, myself, although I don't yell at others - I was raised never to yell at others (which gets really annoying).

I am so sorry. I was in a similar situation with my mother. If there are any eldercare non-profits in the area, seek them out if you haven't already, at the very least so that you'll talk with someone who 'knows the system'.

You're free! *hug* How will you celebrate?

Wow. Congrats!

Wonderful! I'm so happy for you, sobriety and living situation-wise! Celebrate! Enjoy!

His one big scene in A Man For All Seasons is a gobsmacker. Henry VIII as a boisterous, cunning, charming, paranoid semi-pagan god-king. His shadow remains throughout the movie.