

Regular anise, star anise, all anise? Because I love my szechuan eggplant … that got me through the first year of law school.

Interesting … and I'll be in Portland this weekend …

Oatmeal apricot > oatmeal raisin

I wish we had Alamo Drafthouse here, but Sundance Cinemas (comfy seats, space to put food on either side, decent food, range of alcoholic beverages, choose your seat when you buy your ticket) is a decent non-union equivalent.

Serpentine! Serpentine!

I was momentarily confused by Emma Watson rating higher than Daniel Radcliffe - but apparently being in This is the End and Noah makes up the difference.

Glenn is thinner than Bucky, and has that Eeyore aura. Bucky would have SO LITTLE PATIENCE for Juliette, and Rayna would make faces behind Glenn's back for being such a sad-sack.

Be Bad First. It's about how to be an active learner. The leadership guru speak grates a bit, but Erika Andersen makes great points about how we sabotage and undermine ourselves by over- and under-estimating our strengths and weaknesses and being afraid to look bad or be bad when we're learning something new.

Sometimes, that works, but sometimes, I'll still not get the first post in a thread — but I'll see the rest of the thread, and thus be very confused.

Tarzan’s vine-swinging never achieves the kind of fluidity seen in the Disney-animated version

I read a profile of him just after Civil War came out - apparently, he has some level of social anxiety, or at least that's how they spun it. He seems like a really interesting guy on paper, and I really like him as an actor, but as @gerrorin said, there's an aura of fratboyishness that makes me squirm instead of

1) You mean What's Alan Watching wasn't my own personal fever dream? That was a really fun, really weird show. And I had forgotten that Eddie Murphy produced it.

Taking the bus to Portland (OR), going to a combined steampunk/sci-fi con and hearing some blues music at the blues festival going on at the same time.

Audio play I am has recorded! Not anticipating needing to go back for more takes, waiting to hear about the second play I was cast for - I'll get to use my L.A. Newscaster voice.

*grin* *hug*

You should come to SLA. Smaller, manageable (for good and bad reasons) and quite a bit of content on archives and special collections. Next year's conference is in Phoenix.

Thank you, John.

That bites. I hope she heals quickly.