
Same here! Heck, I cried the first day of kindergarten because I was missing all of The Young & the Restless and part of As the World Turns.

Where do I give to @TityBoi's GoFundMe so he can get this?

he reaches out to hug a black woman in the audience doubled over with laughter

You know he's been waiting to use that for years. Heck, perhaps centuries.

Unless you're allergic to them and will end up praying to the porcelain god every time you eat a few, regardless of which types or how they're served.

Felicity dying - not sure how I feel about it, but it was pretty blatantly telegraphed. She was leaking info to and sleeping with his rival. AND THE GUN WAS RIGHT THERE ON THE DESK. It practically cried, "Chekhov!" That said, I was so deeply distracted by Rhys learning about Alice, I forgot about the gun until he

I thought it was 50/50 odds whether Margot's bed partner would be Rhys.

My pleasure. It was so outside of what I expect from Empire and I have no cause to believe they'll ever feature music like that again.

I saw all 3 LOTR movies on faux-IMAX screens. T'was awesome

Reyes and Green always looked sharp, but Briscoe's suits always looked just a step down from the Men's Wearhouse.

I think I thought that the Despicable Me franchise was a DreamWorks product. So, maybe this makes sense. Still makes me miss being able to use DirecTV, though.

One thing L&O: Original Recipe used to do well is depict the various tiers of attorneys. The public defenders, the LegalAid & other non-profit lawyers, the schmoes from low-tier schools with near-bottom rankings who've coasted along on DUIs and small felony cases, and the legal eagles from the Am400. They were

It's not working class, but I think there's a case to be made for Brooklyn 99 repping actual middle-class money issues. No one there wears glamourous clothes. Jake and Holt have older cars. Terry nearly left the police force because of concerns over being able to afford to raise 3 kids, especially while his wife was

Oh, it is an extreme turnaround. Even though I thought Sam was being lynched, I figured it was the overseers or someone else (the Reverend) doing it. That Tom ordered it and made it the centerpiece of his nomination speech was shocking.

YES! First time I saw Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, it was at school, and I found it petrifying. Given that at the time, I also had a fear of little people … that film was nightmare fuel as a kid.

My life into grad school, Round 1:


I got excited over this episode for precisely part of one scene: the performance by Fantastic Negrito of "Lost in a Crowd". Jamal getting in touch with his lower register was a good thing, but really, the band sounded better without him and I've bought the album on pre-order. Stompy, gospelly, bluesy goodness I don't

I disagree to some degree. Frakes is a nice, light touch as a TV director, and he did some really nice episodes for Leverage.