
I feel that I watched Heathers way too late (at least 8-10 years after its release, and it looked remarkably dated to me).

Am I the only getting flashbacks of P. Craig Russell and Manara from that first Paradise Island panel above?

It seemed like it was on point to be a movie and somehow, the idea just died.

Hurry up!

Oh gosh, I think Olivier has the strongest performance of the three, but I prefer the naturalistic staging of Branagh's Henry V overall (also, Derek Jacoby as the Narrator rocked my little world). Branagh's St. Crispin's Day speech is the one that loops in my head, though.

Yes! The one where everyone is dressed like old-fashioned diplomats, with suits and sashes! That was my first Kevin Kline, even before I saw A Fish Called Wanda.

In addition to penning the Jesse Helms biopic

I like your ideas and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. Joe Versus the Volcano is an under-rated absurdist classic.

They did this more in the 70s and 80s. And PBS used to do a lot of broadcasting of staged performances. My first exposure to Jessica Lange and Tommy Lee Jones were when they played Maggie the Cat and Brick in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," with Rip Torn as Big Daddy. It smacked my gob, it did. I also remember watching a

What do I want to see adapted? Sondheim's Passion, followed by Wicked.

I'm sorry I don't have HBO for this. Mapplethorpe had a fascinating, polarizing talent. That he could and did render photos of flowers and S&M-flavoured nudes with such jaw-dropping beauty …

*does a little mosh at getting Final Jeopardy* Thank you, Laurence Olivier, Kenneth Branagh and Tom Hiddleston for making just enough English history stick in my head to remember the answer.

But, well, you’re running out of time—down to your last 42 or 43 minutes, in fact. So, what do you say you get yourself un-hidden and do your thing so Abbie and Ichabod can kick your ass and then maybe, just maybe, they’ll finally kiss!

This doesn't quite have the pop and crackle of the pilot, although I'm not bored yet. However, I don't know how much of the lawyer-cum-hacker I'll have a tolerance for. Not that there aren't legal people who are dead-on techies, but … eh, why bother ranting? I'll watch it until it drives me nuts, and then I'll forget

Merciful heavens! Sondheim doesn't like West Side Story for the same reason I don't like West Side Story!

I thoroughly approve.

Hey now … at least a lukewarm bowl of grits can be improved with butter, sugar, milk and 30 seconds in the microwave.

*thinks about Almost Human and sniffles*

The relationship between Ichabod and Abbie got better, Joe & Jenny hooked up to the delight of some, but they are wasting Peter Mensah and shoehorning charisma-lite potential love interests for both Crane and Mills and have I mentioned that they've wasted Doctore?? Some of the monsters have been fun.
