
D'oh! My fault for not checking IMDb.

No, Monrosalee and Trubel separately are better than Katrina was in Season 2.

I gotta say, I liked Dracula better than Constantine but yeah, that's a difficult slot to fill.

Because his at-one-time-greatest-enemy cast a spell to take the form of his significant other, slept with him without protection to eliminate his powers and got pregnant.

Don't forget gaming.


Movie stereotypes. It comes down to movie stereotypes.

How long has he had gout?

Or the first time you heard Alexis Denisof when he wasn't Wesley (pre-Lilah).

That is a fun thought! Let's revel in this …

I managed to read one issue of Yummy Fur. Very strange.

I will be the shallow one.

*tries carving an owl*

The arthritis isn't that bad yet.

That's not … oh, never mind. You have fun.

Her voice. This is the first time I heard her natural voice.

The Devil's Advocate. Mind you, I wasn't well-disposed to the movie - I felt it had been marketed as a black comedy, but it turned into a horror thriller midway through - but I liked Keanu's character short-circuiting Pacino/Milton's plans by killing himself.

What you really want is his MAC address.

I saw that, too! So, so odd.

Okay, here, you lost me.