
Happy birthday!

Woo hooo!!!!

Not bad.


Sherlock is bothered by their neighbor's humming and other day-to-day
sounds, despite installing high-level rock-band-practice insulation. Sherlock isn't Daredevil. If you can't stand your neighbors making sounds, NYC is not the place for you to live.

Boring? John Astin has sex with a mummy in an Egyptian museum and Jeffrey Coombs goes entirely off the rails! It may be oddly paced, but boring??

He was fine in his early to mid years. I'd even argue that LOTR was pretty well edited, without too much filler or dawdling.

There was something just a bit stilted about Killian's and Liam's dialog with each other. And no hug before Liam Moving On? Curious.

We like both the actress and the character.

Bravo! Well done! I see your points and I don't have any disagreements.

Yeah, she was the customer in a cab/Uber-type car that took forever to get anywhere.

I saw enough that I'm glad I've never shelled out money just to see it. But I can get sucked into it just on trying to untangle the plot and the voice of Alan Tudyk.

SUCH a fun band. Thank you.

What a git.

Doesn't that describe the guy who went on to create Soylent?

You just reminded me of how much I hate The Village (I saw it and parts of Catwoman at a drive-in outside of Atlanta … parts of I, Robot, too.

I'm not crazy about the '05 P&P, although I have a hard time articulating why. How do you feel it misses the point of the book?

The Phantom Menace. 'Nuff said.

Forgive Jim Caviezel. Person of Interest is worth it.

Lift with your knees!