
Bubbles! *sigh*

It is quite dear, and I loved it.

I am cautiously optimistic. Optimistic, because it's the Tick, cautious because I never watch anything on Amazon*.

Doggone it! I was going to quote this!

Upvoted for Scroobius Pip.

I had a feeling that there would be no hard answers, just a lot of people going down. Teri's frustration was palpable to me, as was Evey's resigned cynicism. Good acting, and I didn't mind seeing Leslie going down - she cared more about the institution than the kids, I believe.

Thanks! *hug*


I'm out of the hospital! No signs of a stroke or heart attack (see FTS).

Go to the Ferry Building for the Mecca of farmer's markets. The Castro is always fun. Have a great time!

Happy b-day, Whovian!

Sympathies. How's your back (and knee)?

Have you never been to a Jewish deli?

Screw having to spend nearly a day in a hospital (actually, two) to eliminate the possibility of having had a stroke or heartache. Good news is that they didn't find evidence of that, and my heart and brain look good, but I really didn't need the scare or the lack of sleep. And given my slight hypochondria … just

When I hear Cruz talk, I think of Greg Stillson from Stephen King's The Dead Zone.

That sucks. I'm so sorry. I hope this is but a temporary roadblock to you meeting your goals.

Shut up and take my money.

Baronets were called Sir, not Lord.

Last year, I read Modiano's Out of the Dark. Wonderful writing about ambiguous, confused characters who tend to act out in uncomfortable, pathetic ways. Trying to figure out if I should start Dora Bruder.

Hey, now. Treat Williams has some charisma and a fun sense of braggadocio in some of his hammier performances.