
I will love you forever for mentioning Ever After.

I managed to misread the headline as "Friday Night Lights soundtrack," meaning the TV show.

Oh, he had dramatic chops, but he was usually affable, if not effusive, in manner and personality. People didn't flock to his movies to see him be sinister and creepy.

Actually, I came into this Newswire mostly to send up the Scrawler signal …

Heath Barkley rides again!

The one I found most discordant was Gene Kelly. Gene Kelly!

Been having a lot of Chinese food lately, because of the holiday.

Not ready to share yet. Hopefully soon.

*hug* Sympathies, hon.

They did, about 30 years ago, and it's called Jacob Have I Loved. It's about the non-special twin who lives most of her life in her younger sister's (by several minutes) shadow.

And silly me … congratulations!!

Sleep. Lay on the couch & watch TV. Read, if I can.

The Minty Fresh Geek had fun in SF, with one great interview and one grueling (at the same company). They didn't say when they'd let him know about either one, so we could be on pins and needles for a while.

But I would know.

Exactly! You mess up, you either get out the white tape or you scrap the whole grid and move on. While colours … sure, red and purple and dark blues sounds good in theory, but then people start asking why you didn't include any lighter colors, or how about throwing in some contracts like green or brown, and what's

I don't have the room or time to colour.

You're not sorry.

Same here.

One reason I've never tried to watch this movie is that it always struck me as really depressing, under the laughs and mugging and gags. Seems that this impression has not been just a vague notion.

More like because capitalism and materialism sucks the souls right out of us, so we become more fetishistic to overcome the numbness of modern living and the inanity of celebrity worship that is pushed at us as a further soporific. At least, that's what I got out of the book.