
Apparently, she was focusing more on gender diversity in Hollywood, than racial/ethnic diversity. Whether that makes things better or worse, though …

Gloriously snippy!

Fans of Tilda Swinton's gender-bending roles would like a brief word with you.

I'm on your side. That was a diss track, but as a duet.

I had no idea Eddie Marsan sang.

Hey, that was a really fun band! And Stew is awesome.

I save "crew" for Leverage cosplayers.


Dear Dennis "Bubbles" Perkins,

Shut up, Ted Kord is amazing, Oracle/Batgirl had cybersex with him, gosh I miss him so SHUT UP …

I can't talk about Keith's piece directly, as I didn't see the movie and have no opinion (the last season left me bitterly meh). But as to general tone of FYC - I think some of them work as food for thought and some not quite so much.

I kinda feel that FYC is basically a Deep Reads column for AV Club, and as such is a good thing. And just looking over at the ones for this week - there is a range of angles taken: posthumous re-examinations of a performer's work; trends affecting films of a certain subject/genre; a critical re-examination of a

That's okay, I expect to be cornered in a dark, wet alley by a troupe of Browncoat cosplayers any day now.

This. I was working at a left-wing radio station when the X-Files premiered, and the after-hours show (11 pm - 5 am) was a mix of alt-spirituality (lots of Alan Watts), alt-medicine and LOTS AND LOTS of conspiracies: governmental, UFO, unnatural phenomena, etc. And for the first couple of seasons, at least half of the

This episode. Yes. That Jack looked SO ADORBS in this suit and Jr. could read his sister so well was icing. That Diane wasn't freakin' out about the family becoming poor makes me think she has an outside channel. A combination of selling school papers and blackmail, perhaps.

I wanted more to consider. ;>

Somehow, I thought it would be a longer inventory. They just seemed so perfectly in sync with each other, like they met at acting school and developed their talents in tandem.

That was exactly Willow's problem. That, and the fact that even as she was gaining (and learning to love) ever-increasing amounts of power, she still saw herself as the awkward, put-upon, under-estimated, bullied teen she was before she met Buffy. She never re-examined herself, and so she never held herself in check,

Urge to rage … rising …

I realize that I haven't cooked since The Minty Fresh Geek was let go from his job. But, I think I'm going to be in charge of roasting some lamb this Sunday. Also planning on making white garlic spread (oil, salt, lemon juice AND lots of garlic cloves).