
Oy. I hope the weather starts cooperating and continues to do so …

That sounds fun!

Nice! Congrats!

Happy birthday! What's the else?


Congrats, honey!

Not at all. I think I was trying to say that many people think male rape exists only in certain circumstances (especially prison) , and only to certain types of men (usually the more effeminate or those who not able to physically defend themselves). Star athletes getting sexually assaulted (by other star athletes)

Them, too!

You get an upvote for cuteness …

I found it quite affecting. The characters nor the actors are especially subtle (nor should they be - Spartacus is Grand Guignol) , but there's room for nuance, growth and ambivalence.

My DVR cut off the end tag just as Boyle started yelling at Eleanor. How did it end?

You guys!

Given David Duchovny's past issues with sex addiction - totally a sex move, yo.


I didn't watch last season, but I'm willing to try with this one. Despite the frustration over the concept of male rape, it will be interesting (I hope) to see how sports culture also muddies the waters. Male rape isn't a foreign concept, but male rape among athletes seems about as out there as male rape among

Yeah — that would be a natural season ender and clear the decks for Max to be the major Big Bad of S2.

Mistresses is moving from ABC?

You mean Lucifer? Is it ham-handed, ham-fisted or both?

I really do need to catch up with this show. By which I mean, I really need to watch the whole thing.

I felt there was some tonal whiplash with this ep. For the first 20-30 minutes, you had the CatCo scenes being almost comedic with the tension of the Kryptonians holding Hank hostage (with the possibility of torturing him for info). And then Max Lord physically assaults Jimmy after Jimmy criminally trespasses at Lord