
And logically, the judge should welcome Alicia's help.

Considering how I was bitca-ing (TM Buffy) and moaning about Regina having too fast of a redemption arc a few seasons past, I'm all for a re-examination of Regina's hero status. Yes, I do like her, and yes, I do want her to succeed, but considering all of the people she's terrorized and killed in her vendetta against

Well, Emma's definitely Hook's True Love, which is why Zelena cursed him a couple of seasons ago. Is the reverse necessarily true? There was definitely a sort of triangle going on when Neal/Bae was alive, and Emma has long been squirrelier about having a relationship with Killian than he was. So, honestly, I don't

Gwen has been watching regularly and reviewing semi-regularly for years. She's earned her stripes and if a little bile and cynicism from past seasons has carried over, that's alright by me. I'd say a number of us have strayed over the vast lines of sincere-watching, ironic-watching and semi-hate-watching this show -

Upvoted for name-checking my favourite Bradbury long form. Heck, I may need to track that sucker down, given that we're in Hallow'month now.

I am surprised by so many things, but mostly that the ratings held out for this. Quite the bundle of silly, but I watched nearly every ep, so perhaps I am the problem - too much ironic watching.

Tough, but fair.

Sounds right.

Oh, that song! I know that song. Never realized it was for a movie, let along Romeo Must Die.

Your Honor, Counselor has been watching too much Law & Order: Original Recipe …

You've been watching The Grinder, haven't you?

Amen. The deftness of the shifts in tone - that it all hangs together and sells the ending is a feat, in my book. I think I was 10 when I saw this (hooray for non-network-affiliated TV stations airing cheap B&W programming in the 70s & 80s!), and just fell in love with Cagney.

And so versatile. My first Cagney film is still my favourite: The Strawberry Blonde.

Film nerds who worship Apocalypse Now, for one.

Gee. You may have just talked me into seeing this movie. I love nonsense like that.

Not a single artist, but a body of work:

Ludicrous and ludicrously charming. It's all I ask. Nice effects work, btw.

Eww, Paige? What do you take me for??

As someone who watched far too much Knots Landing as a teen - dang it, I never imagined William Devane looking so avuncular and good-natured (as he does in the header pic). That's not right to my adolescent memories.

After Anika found out Lucious slept with Cookie, but I don't know exactly which ep. Towards the end of the season.