I noticed that, too.
It is pretty spectacular.
I'll be the millionth person to make this observation, but the whole episode, while watching Maslany, I kept thinking, "Yep, that's Beth. Yep, that's MK." All of her clones have such immediately distinct ways that they carry themselves. It really is remarkable.
Yeah, I had a huge grin on my face once I realized it was a Beth episode. This felt like a reward for those of us watching since the beginning.
I remember watching the first season of this show and absolutely hating the actor who played Paul. Somehow he's slowly won me over, I guess. He used to be drywall that Tatiana acted against, but now that works? Maybe I've just lost my mind.
Harmon does so much with little screentime on this and iZombie. She's just great.
I think a big part of my issue is that all of it happened offscreen. We knew they posed know threat - Arkadia assumed they might - Bellamy marched to slaughter - and all we saw was a battlefield of corpses. It just didn't work.
lol poor Harper
"What if I'm not the good guy?"
Lindsey Morgan has been a wonderful performer on this show from the moment she showed up. It was smart to give this sort of episode to her.
Yes, please.
I loved watching my older brother play Resident Evil 2 when we were growing up. I was too young to manage more than instant death, but it was thrilling watching him worm away from zombies.
And the character is pretty delightful.
She was a shining light in a dark, boring dungeon.
I fucking LOVE this show. How the hell did the writers manage to juggle so many balls all season only for so many to collide perfectly in the finale?
Ahhh I didn't realize he was in that. I haven't seen it in years. I knew Boyega was in it, but dang. Now I REALLY need to rewatch it.
That seems criminal. LISA WHAT IS YOUR SECRET!?!?!
It was actually pretty chilling, as I didn't think Jessa was being out of line or anything. That said, it's a good attitude to adopt when dealing with these people.