I'll never get past Bellamy Helped Slaughter Innocent Grounders. I just can't, and I loved the characters.
I'll never get past Bellamy Helped Slaughter Innocent Grounders. I just can't, and I loved the characters.
Jesus, Rothenberg needs to get his behind the scenes shit together because I love this show too damn much for actors to be openly revolting.
That smile!
Yeah, they're apparently the Boat People (once again, the Wikia page for this show is super helpful for me).
I would have enjoyed a few episodes of The Adventures of Our Hero Clarke and Delightful Shitbag Murphy.
Well, fuck me. This season is fucking numbing.
I guess you have to accept that the cinematic New Mutants lived decades apart. I can handle that; I can't handle that Jean's Phoenix manifestation went from a beautiful body of psychic fire to super-gross black veins over the course of two movies.
I'm at "yeah, I'd let him get it knowing full well he has corpses in his freezer," but that's my stuff and none of your business.
It still bums me out that they didn't include any of those future mutants in the altered timeline glimpse of the X-Mansion at the end of DOFP. It made it seem like, after all that effort, they were wiped out (which they actually acknowledge as a concern in the Rogue Cut).
CBS unfortunately makes it difficult to do so by legal means. Dunno how they expect the Supergirl audience to grow using that method.
I like to think he has a whole team who follows him around on missions, touching up his makeup and making sure the torches light him *just* right.
Sara's hair was also great. Both her and Ra's must have employed a solid hair dressing ninja, cuz they were both looking snazzy (I'm bald, so braids and a buzz cut look awesome to me; don't judge).
That bums me to hear, especially because my best friend also jumped ship this season. I can't blame you, though. It doesn't help that I have almost never really liked Oliver even when I loved the show. When Supergirl or The Flash have lousy episodes, I at least love coming back to the main characters.
The DC shows have a weird obsession with those damn cells.
I honestly think that railing was so damn wobbly because the set people didn't realize that Wentworth was gonna be yanking the shit out of it. It was amusing that it looked like he wasted his hand when all that thing needed was a good tug.
God, season three of Arrow was an endurance test for me as a fan after the basically perfect second season. Season four is just boring.
Classic obsession denial. We're all on to you, Disqus stalker!
He wasn't an insane, unreasonable bastard. He saw that he bit off more than he could chew, and smartly let the Legends handle it. He was relaxed and smart about the whole shitshow that showed up at his doorstep.