
I have no interest in fashion whatsoever, and yet I never miss an episode of Fashion Foto ReView.

Tammie is awesome. "Clam Happy" is delightful.

God, I fucking love the mythology of this show.

She's more interesting as Becca than the vacant evil AI.

Would watch the fuck out of that. Their action movie strut at the end of this episode put a huge smile on my face.

Classic Becca!

The thing is, if you were watching The 100 or the Republican debate, it looked like the same thing.

Murphy's too good of a character to have been stranded with Jaha for so damn long.

Ugh, as a gay fan I just can't. This is a show that has been super casual about queerness, and this season has been centered around a female couple that has been wonderful to witness. But this is a narrative with high stakes. Not everything has to be written so it can get GIF'd on Tumblr.

Jayne was a bastard, but he never had the anger Heat Wave seems to have.

Firefly is a fabulous show to Rip off.

You remain bafflingly cartoonish. I'm starting to enjoy it.

I honestly hope Sara doesn't hook up with any of the main cast, despite Lotz's chemistry with basically everybody.

Or just… don't watch?

Rip is just so damn miserable. I little levity would go a long way.

God bless you.

That's a fair bet.


Baegent Carter

As long as they don't make Zach Efron wax his luscious chest.