My big fear after that dumbshit Waller stuff.
My big fear after that dumbshit Waller stuff.
It makes no damn sense. He had more chemistry with Laurel, and that's saying something.
It's not even just lack of chemistry. They haven't spent any scenes together that could read as romantic. Russian lady seems entirely flustered by the island nonsense - which, fair - and Ollie seems to be tagging along with her because the script says so. If these episodes have been establishing a romance, the…
When they cast the actress, the producers said she would be a prominent love interest, but I'm growing increasingly more baffled at this. Like, seriously? How? When? Where? Let's circle back to: how?
Stephen Amell is a handsome, fit motherfucker. There's no denying that. But he sure as shit doesn't look, what, 26? How old is Ollie supposed to be?
Considering how great the Laurel/Nyssa scenes were last season, they are best together.
This damn show has been so wishy-washy about that fucking Pit since it was introduced. It didn't help - and I keep bitching about this - that they had Ollie battle Raz, have his torso pierced twice, tossed off wintery mountain, only to be revived by, basically, soup and bed rest. The show fucked up the stakes with…
She truly is the Meg Griffin of the show.
And Lucy Lawless, obviously.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the only "cure" for the Lazarus effects for the victim to kill whoever killed them, which is why zombie Sara targeted Thea? I wonder if, in lieu of last year's Ra's al Ghul, Thea can heal herself by killing Merlyn, the latest R.a.G.
Cassidy seems pretty chill about the way things turned out in interviews. I think she's mostly just glad Laurel eventually suited up.
Are they really positioning the clumsily-accented Russian lady with no discernible personality as someone Ollie is in love with? Is that remotely believable? We're twelve episodes in, and those two have as much history and chemistry as I do with a convenience store clerk I might meet while out of town.
After Waller, I spent the episode certain Roy or Katana were going to bite it, so I'm glad I was wrong.
Oh my dear Lord, Grant and Melissa together at last!
We get to enjoy both!
Almost as much as they love Spartacus actors.
It still feels wrong how unceremoniously Glee dumped the season four newbies for the final season. The fact that Blake Jenner and Jacob Artist showed up for blink-and-you'll-miss-it finale cameos was big on them.
Cat continues to bring a surprising amount of heart on this show. I knew when they cast Calista, they had a good reason in mind.
Woof. Sorry to hear that. Hope things turn around.