Wolverine DoppelShane

I don't think a single host in the last decade has received anything more positive overall than a "meh". Not even Billy Crystal, who was apparently the most clamored for right up until he got the job, or Steve Martin, who's also all-around amazing.

I think you may be lost.

Somebody start this, please.

Don't renege on that just because of this TI. It's well worth your time.

So I wasn't crazy for thinking "Wait, isn't that the family crest?" when I heard that line.

Guess nobody told the Friends fans life was gonna be this way.

I will freely admit to not having heard anything of his beyond what's played on the radio. That being said, his high nasally voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me, so I'll take your word that the moniker of "that jackass who invented yolo" is unfair.

Whoa, this sounds interesting. How far in are you two?

You've just put more thought into this song than Drake has into his entire discography.

I…it's a man transforming into a wolf. I have no idea how to address your point apart from pointing that out.

Man, I love that werewolf transformation because of how brutal it looks.

I think your first mistake is expecting factual realism from this show. I'm pretty sure politicians don't also talk about using croissants as dildoes.

He's confirmed, actually. Paul Giamatti's signed on to the role.

Do you mean Louis CK the guy being bullied, Louis CK the guy struggling with his faith, Louis CK the guy on a date, Louis CK the guy worried about his daughters, Louis CK the guy discovering a new friendship, or Louis CK the guy realising an old friend is planning to commit suicide? Or maybe you mean the Louis CK who

Well, it's a limited range, but I think there's range. It's not quite a one-note performance, but I think he can carry a small role, and own it. The episode with Doug Stanhope, Eddie, wouldn't have worked so well if Louis didn't know what he was doing, for instance.

Well, it depends on the role, I think. He definitely shows some range in Louie.

Because "agh blblblblblblblblbl"

This still doesn't explain the tied up girl in the basement who was gagged with the world's dirtiest piece of duct tape.

Chuck too.

As much as I like that idea too, I can see advertisers balking at it, because then it becomes way easier for people to ignore the commercials, because they know when the next program is on (if they're even sticking around for the next program), rather than the way it is now, where people will stick around and watch a