Wolverine DoppelShane

Oooh, that CGI thing punched that other CGI thing. Action!

He does what now?

I feel like Lawrence would elect to take the Stairway to Heaven instead.

Alan Rickman?

Hey, you take your vicarious living where you can get it.

I'd clarify that statement re: Taylor Swift vs. Jennifer Lawrence, but I'll just save everyone the trouble and flag myself instead.

It's fascinating how these things work; first, we know Snooki as that poor woman who got punched by a guy in a bar, and by the time we get to know her, we wish we were the guy. Likewise, Kanye's the douche who interrupted a girl's speech, until we get to know the girl and find out that now we all envy Kanye for

I'm also pretty sure she hasn't written a bunch of songs ripping on women who had the gall to date the perfect boy for her, and thus keep their attention distracted so they can't realise Swift is their dream woman.

Two words; Rebecca Hall.

In all honesty, they'll probably have all the standalone films take place at the same time chronologically, thus indicating that everyone's too wrapped up in their individual messes to help each other out.

That sounds like the personal hitman/bodyguard/butler of Jeremy Irons.

Fucking yes, he killed as Percy. Literally and figuratively.

Interestingly, his IMDb page claims Spielberg delivered a handwritten reply to him as a teenager, encouraging him to keep pursuing film, and he also was involved in casting Paul Rudd, Sean William Scott, and Bobb'e J. Thompson in Role Models. But the page as a whole is even more fascinating, because the way it talks


While that would be awesome, I do mean original flavour Zod, aka Terence Stamp.

So let me see if I understand this correctly; Anchorman 2 already has Cyclops and Han Solo onboard, with a strong possibility that General Zod will join? If Linda Hamilton comes onboard, this'll be the greatest thing of all time.

It got a second season, classic Poe.

Nope, Enlightened and Person of Interest were both well-deserving of space in this section, and those were both recent.

I don't know that that's a flaw as much as the fundamental conflict present in a zombie apocalypse; how many people do you help and how do you decide whom to help. If Rick does pick the hitchhiker up, and said hitchhiker slashes their throats while they sleep and steals their supplies, then what?
