Wolverine DoppelShane

Ohhhhh. That threw me for a loop, because I thought my memory had been shot to the point where I was confusing Varney and Raphael.

Wait, wasn't Janet Varney the lesbian? I don't remember June Diane Raphael's character having a lesbian arc.

"Not as offensive as the first one"? That's not how Hollywood rolls.

Why is Jack White trying to seduce me in the picture up there?

How many episodes before she growls "yahtzee"?

"You're outta your element, Llewyn!"

No James Van Der Beek vs. Dean Cain, no care.

Yeah, the B&W takes this from "60s show" to "30s show" in a snap.

Hmm, Lane Pryce seems to be missing from these stills. Oh well, I'm sure it's nothing.

I was going to flag you for mentioning that Adam Sandler atrocity, so it's a good thing you clarified that.

She's in the trailer too. I believe she's FLOTUS.

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus Dammit, you're right. Here, you can hit as many golf balls as you want at me for that transgression.

It beats "Ben Fox is my Manny".

Wake up
Look around
There's a feeeeling today
Fall down
Get up again
Get in the game
Hey hey hey
We're cancelled anyway.

You're wrong. He is Pablo.

Keep in mind, there's also a show called Deception that made its debut at midseason.

Someone from the Black Eyed Peas should marry Keri Russell, just to maintain symmetry.

I still get the Black Keys and the Black Eyed Peas confused. I'm not the only one, am I?

They are apparently still going ahead with the real-life Hunger Games.