
Yeah, that show about the guy and the meth. Just terrible TV :-p

I'm going with Isabel Roschev

That door is only accessible via a pretty hi-tech keypad system. So I doubt Thea had the code.

It will either be Summer Glau's character, or it will be Sarah Lance. They've already established that Quinton trained his children well in self-defence, and the Sarah-arc last season left a lot of room to bring her back. As for Summer, that girl has the craziest fighting skills on television. To give her a role and

This is a city which just had a man-made earthquake mere months ago, maybe their threshold is a little higher. Plus the tabloids love him.

It could be she actually blames herself and just fixes her anger on something else so that so she doesn't have to deal with it. But yeah, it's her fault Tommy died.

From what I hear, the new system is gonna require a lot more effort from all three of team arrow which is shown over next few weeks.

I'm thinking Slade probably just wanted to interrogate him to find out who sent them, since he already killed the other guys.

More like comrades right now, although I did see a flash of jealousy that Ollie got the hot chick whereas Slade gets a red right hand.

I always find Ammell's delivery of lines odd, especially when he's trying to shout or be funny. But I think his does off-the-cuff remarks brilliantly, like when he and Tommy are discussing the future nightclub… Tommy: "We can use that as an office for any one-on-one meetings." Ollie: "And hopefully some two-on-one

It'll have to be Russians, only way Ollie could learn their language too. It'd take a fair few years to get any kind of competency in it, especially in tandem with Mandarin, fitness training, strength building, archery training and not getting dead.

Did anyone else yell out "No Touching!" when they hugged, or was that just me?

They kind of dealt with Oliver and the Hood's coincidental appearance last year, but yes, it does seem like it might need to be reaffirmed. Since Lance knows Felicity works with the Hood, I find it odd that Oliver chooses to have her around so much in his public life. It's not a difficult connection now.

You probably shouldn't.

They sure let a lot of people burn though…

I try to saw this lifeless plank, but all I can think of is Hannah.

It was going okay until season 5 began, then it fell off the treadmill.

Slight factual errors there. First of all, after Clyde Phillips left, Chip Johannsen was made showrunner for season 5. He was replaced after the season wrapped (and went on the run Homeland instead) and then Scott Buck was appointed showrunner starting with season 6. Prior to this, his writing credits included 3 years

Pan is rather fantastic.

Seems more like a way to keep the rest of the cast on the payroll for when they return to Storybrooke.