
Yet you go on to say that 'he' is the reason the conversation is still going on because he does not get it. I was speaking about people reading this thread.

I 've have been out for a long time, and I have NEVER heard anyone refer to themselves as 'queer' IRL. Been to plenty of gay bars and clubs, but here in Vegas, it is not a thing that happens. And Vegas is by no means a backwards hick town, for most things…

I think queer has evolved to the point that it includes everyone under the sun that wants to (or self identified as) being special. For the last 20 years, or so, tv and film has made gay people somehow the "magical" people that solves problems with little effort. I take offense that people want to jump on this

Where did you get this tidbit of knowledge from?

You appear to assume that he is the only person that disagrees with your position. Being socially accepted does not make it right, just like slavery was not right just because it was socially accepted.

Not denying necessarily, just horrified that gay people feel it is a good thing.

I just have to say that I had to set up an account specifically to respond to some of these comments.
I am gay and completely offended by the term "queer" and and offended that college courses are having titles such as "queer studies", "queer theory" and the like. I have lived in liberal cities as well and the over