The Narrator Returns

Not just the director of Blade Runner, but the cinematographer. Roger Deakins is, at this point, number one with a bullet in terms of reasons I want to see Blade Runner 2049.

Logan Lucky all the goddamn way. No movie with both Riley Keough and Katherine Waterston can be bad, and especially not if it's a Soderbergh movie.

Bridges is Ali's only real competition for the Oscar, and he's already won. Plus, the voters get to say they're super-duper diverse by giving both the supporting awards to POC.

It's Shakespeare in Love Redux.

It's proving very divisive, but he, Michael Shannon, the cinematography, and an amazing Jena Malone cameo are worth the price of admission alone.

I despised him in Godzilla, but honest to god, he is fantastic in Nocturnal Animals.

I'm going to pretend one was for Community and the other was for Magic Mike XXL.

Get a load of this Spin Doctors mix, Mr. Mayor!

The Christmas episode has an ending that brings home the underlying sadness of these characters while also containing no less than two of the show's most viscerally grotesque scenes.

Even more than "Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person", that might have my favorite cut-to-title.

I don't know if this is exactly the best entry point, but I know that no other episode of the show, or maybe any show, has made me laugh quite as much as "Who Pooped the Bed" (namely Dee head-butting a car).

It took me a full year to watch season 1 of The Shield, so I want to go through it much faster this year (I don't expect to finish it all by the end of the year, but I want to get a little closer to that goalpost).

That's true. Upon reflection, they're just straight-up all great performances.

Nah, Reality Bites.

The one shot by three-time Academy Award winner Emmanuel Lubezki.

One out of three, I guess.

Yeah, the critics don't care about her being in Twilight, but certain internet sections can't seem to wrap their minds around her actually being a terrific actress, to the point that any article about her is populated by dumbasses talking about her inability to act like it's even remotely true.

I dunno, Pattinson's been doing some good work for indie auteurs in the wake of Twilight (can't wait to see him in The Lost City of Z). Taylor Lautner, however…

I watched all of these movies two and a half years ago, and only the first and the last ones are worthy even as camp (the last one is the only in the series I'd totally watch again because of how goddamn bonkers it is). The second one is too goddamn boring, the third is too good while still being not good at all, and…