The Narrator Returns

There should be a movie that's just him going through and occasionally dancing to Stones deep cuts.

Yep. He's friends with that movie's director, Gary Ross (who's now directing Ocean's Eight), and he previously produced and did some second-unit work on Ross's Pleasantville (and he recorded a commentary for Ross's Seabiscuit).

Soderbergh has a great anecdote about that in the commentary, where he says that convincing David Holmes (the composer and soundtrack supervisor) to include that song in the movie was like pulling teeth, because he hated it so much (Soderbergh convinced him on the basis of it being something the Night Fox would

The fact that the good response to the trailer caused the studio to hire the trailer company to make a cut of the movie kind of dampens any enjoyment I previously got from that trailer (and already I wasn't totally over-the-moon about it).

This was maybe not quite on the same level as last year's, but still terrific work. Although I do wonder if it peaked too soon by starting with its best moment, namely "I'm So Humble" over Weiner.

It's actually a Midnight Special sequel.

The Girlfriend Experience power!

Everytime I watch the video of Michael Shannon reading the sorority letter, I become a better person.

Jimmy Kimmel is hosting this year's Oscars.

I… have no idea, honestly.

I really hope Lawson comes back for the Spielberg series, his episodes are maybe my two favorites of the show.

Actually, they all quite liked it (and I really like it too).

Deakins in the sheets.
Lubezki in the streets.
Hoyte van Hoytema in the pastry kitchen.

Never forget.

Glad someone mentioned Blank Check so I didn't have to. It feels like a podcast made just for me, with the perfect balance of insightful movie talk and goofball gags (which makes the episodes where they go completely off-the-rails, especially The Visit, all the more delightful) and a line-up of movies that almost

Lily Gladstone won Best Supporting Actress from the Los Angeles Film Critics Association!!!!

George Lucas saw and really liked Rogue One, for whatever that's worth.

Minority Report: This works as pure crackerjack mystery-thriller (really, you almost have to make a compelling one of those if you have the balls to name three characters in your movie Agatha, Dashiell, and Arthur), but that's almost secondary to how much fun Spielberg has constructing the weirdest, shittiest future