The Narrator Returns

Honestly, the Accccchhhhhh-tooooooooong… bei-bei episode(s) kinda disappointed me, if only because I was frustrated Scott was so meh on the album. At least Scott had my back (his awful U2 songs ranking in the live ep was salvaged because he actually had "One" on it).

Achtung Baby is by far U2's best album for me (and possibly my favorite album of all time), as a collection of songs (it's all killer, no filler when all of their albums before and since have at least one demonstrably weaker song somewhere in there) and as a cohesive whole. The bleakness of the lyrics and the sonic

Pop is actually my second-favorite U2 album, with the caveat that I never listen to one-fourth of the songs in their album versions (also, "Playboy Mansion" blows, and I say that as one of the five people who loves "Miami").

Nocturnal Animals: A beautiful, stunningly cruel little movie that deftly combines high art and trash in one gorgeous package. Amy Adams, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Michael Shannon are expectedly terrific (Shannon in particular does a great job starting with his normal intense scary guy pose and devolving from there), but I

I freaked out when I found out she was in The Neon Demon, and even though she's barely on-screen in it, there really is no mistaking her.

Yeah, and we're even getting a Christmas episode this year!

Yeah, better space out The Knick from the actual dinner, since every episode has some kind of grotesquerie (although I'm not sure anything in it tops the very first episode for pure dosage of cringes). But it's most definitely worth watching if you want to see about ten hours of formal ingenuity from Steven

The Girlfriend Experience is an excellent show with a stellar creative team (Lodge Kerrigan and Amy Seimetz writing and directing, as well as Shane Carruth scoring) and a brilliant central Riley Keough performance. Plus, it only has 13 half-hour episodes, and at least two of those episodes are some of the very best

…And I wonder why I barely comment here anywhere.

I mean, this is the one place where that could be accepted, given the movie is called Silence and all.

"If I know anything about couples, it's that they like having sex… for years."

I mean, at worst this turns out like the pretty good but not quite as good as it should be Kundun, at best it turns out like The Last Temptation of Christ, my pick for one of his very best.

The first announced cast member of the new Star Trek show is Michelle Yeoh!

So the trailer will premiere before screenings of Allied starting tonight, but won't be online until Saturday.

Man, Marty really knows exactly when to switch up the aspect ratio.

Cotillard may be the single most glaring example of "good actor ≠ base-level intelligence", but I think she's a much better actress than Jolie (I don't think Jolie's done anything on the level of the one-two punch of The Immigrant and Two Days, One Night) and she hasn't made Unbroken, and that film is a crime I might

That was the performance that convinced me to follow him wherever he goes. His monologue about foul language on primetime television is still maybe his best element for me.

I wasn't expecting my life to peak with a dream, but last night I dreamt I was on a bus ride with Kristen Stewart and she smiled at me and almost sat next to me.

Koogler writes 'PARTY!!!' over most of his ballot and then votes yes on assisted suicide.