
Sonic Youth is wonderful, and this single has the potential to be interesting and even enjoyable.

Sonic Youth is wonderful, and this single has the potential to be interesting and even enjoyable.

Aww dude…MBV? Really? That shit is lovely!

Aww dude…MBV? Really? That shit is lovely!

I have quite a high threshold for onstage batshittery, but that video at the bottom of the Pitchfork article…damn. Too much.

I have quite a high threshold for onstage batshittery, but that video at the bottom of the Pitchfork article…damn. Too much.

@avclub-960547bf92b85e53a15ffe559d3401b5:disqus I like the lack of personal offense taken at differing opinions around here, it's a refreshing break from most of the internet. I still maintain that "We Only Come Out At Night" is the most awful thing on any of the first 4 SP albums: one of my friends dubbed it "The

@avclub-960547bf92b85e53a15ffe559d3401b5:disqus I like the lack of personal offense taken at differing opinions around here, it's a refreshing break from most of the internet. I still maintain that "We Only Come Out At Night" is the most awful thing on any of the first 4 SP albums: one of my friends dubbed it "The

I'm making friends like nobody's business in this thread :)

Not the point of my comment, see above.

Surely you didn't *buy* any version of the first part of Teargarden By Kaleidyscope?

Surely you didn't *buy* any version of the first part of Teargarden By Kaleidyscope?

Corgan often talks bullshit. D'Arcy might have been important in the band dynamic, but other than her vocals on "Daydream", she had no impact on the band's sound.


@avclub-960547bf92b85e53a15ffe559d3401b5:disqus go ahead and revoke my opinion, but the fact remains that Mellon Collie has about 25 minutes of filler on it, and Adore has considerably less. Also, Adore doesn't have "We Only Come Out At Night" on it, which elevates it considerably in my mind.

@avclub-960547bf92b85e53a15ffe559d3401b5:disqus go ahead and revoke my opinion, but the fact remains that Mellon Collie has about 25 minutes of filler on it, and Adore has considerably less. Also, Adore doesn't have "We Only Come Out At Night" on it, which elevates it considerably in my mind.

He was equivalent to Jimmy, then. It's not a perfect analogy, but it remains true that Smashing Pumpkins - James and D'arcy = unchanged Smashing Pumpkins.

Actually, now I think of it, James Iha is having the last laugh.

Actually, now I think of it, James Iha is having the last laugh.

Hey, I liked *Life Begins Again*. Mostly just as another way of listening to his drumming.