trusting in Cramer (or any TV advice giver) is like trusting in flung monkey feces for your daily sustenance.
trusting in Cramer (or any TV advice giver) is like trusting in flung monkey feces for your daily sustenance.
you've confused having with being.
just because the fish are in a barrel doesn't mean they don't need to be shot.
eat a bag of AIG executives.
and so do mine.
your typos proove you're bad.
what would you do to a firsty?
1) nothing?
2)tell them to die in a canceraidesfire?
3) make them eat a bag of dicks?
that was more tolerable than anything on this index.
liked Jefferey Jones' dark overlord, Lea Thompson's ass, Tippett's effects - but that's what makes this movie so rancid. There are a few good things that keep it from being so bad its good. It ends up just being bad. I don't know anyone who would call this the worst movie ever, but everyone I know whose seen it would…
the Chevy Chase show? that's truly horrifying.
"look out below!"
propels himself through the air with flatulence? He would be just like fartman! Perhaps his farts can knock evil-doers unconsious with their stench. Or, by lighting his farts, he can produce a devastating wall of flame!
I hope a continuous rain of human feces from the sky is the ONLY thing addressed by the movie.
I don't think gefilte fish is actually good, let alone delicious, in and of itself. It is, however, the perfect horseradish delivery system, and that's a good thing.
it's not a good sign that you watched it in the first place.
Resident Evil 7: tablescape of fear
agree about The Arrival. It came out the same year as Independence Day and was actually a superior movie. Certainly a better depiction of what an alien invasion might look like. But it didn't have 'splosions or Will Smith, so it was overlooked.
falcon punch!
that's like asking what the universe was like before the Big Bang.
I've always imagined that's the way the Bush presidency ended.