Tomato Jones

I really like this show but I feel like it sometimes dips into "a lot of fun to make, less fun to watch" territory, if y'know what I mean.

People are gonna continue to be apathetic about new network sitcoms until a network says "we have a new comedy coming out AND it's getting at least 2 seasons! holy shit!"

Better than last week's and the pilot.

I wasn't a big fan of this episode either.

This ended rather abruptly and was only about as kind-of-funny as last week's… and since it had less emotional heft that's especially disappointing.

Netflix will pretty much renew the rights for anything they have that a lot of people watch frequently.

A really funny and unique single-cam sitcom called "Holy Fuck Stop Writing Think Pieces On This Show. Yeah We Try to Make It Good But Do You Really Think We're Trying To Make Some Huge Statement?"

A single-cam sitcom called "Holy Shit Please Watch This" with a lot of heart but nothing particularly funny happens.

A multi-cam sitcom where every time the audience laughs a character goes off-stage and kills one of them.

Is it against the FCC rules to just blank out the audio instead of using bleeps?

I read a copy of the script to the original Mulaney concept once ("being a better person") and it was formatted like a multi-cam.

Is it bad that ClickHole has affected my sense of humor in such a way that I now find its brand of nonsense comedy (as opposed to The Onion's satire) hilarious?

Halloween II wasn't that good, go with Slump or Pilot as your intro

Yeah SNL is really an exception to that rule. Painful process, painful result.

Gonna take a second to remind everyone that it's the very nature of subjectivity that makes it possible for something to be really popular even if you don't like it.

Hopefully "Training"


Prom Video's a good one

And Who Wants to Be a Godparent is infinitely worse than Noretta.

It's a good episode but I never understood why a lot of people consider it the best. There are better ones from the golden age.