Tomato Jones

Debate 109, Introduction to Film, Environmental Science, and Spanish 101 were the show at its silly, heartfelt best. (although I may be alone in liking Chang's emotional development in ES)

What's the correct chronological order again? With the holiday episodes in the right order?

Actually that's part of the Showtime contract.

I thought this was a really solid pilot.

Aww, I miss Zach Stone.


The hurt in Ted's face at the end… damn. It doesn't matter how "douchey" the writers make him, Josh Radnor is still the best actor in this thing with the most chemistry with everyone.

One of the episodes coming up soon is called "Bass Player Wanted" so she'll probably be in that one a whole lot.

Granted they have a lot of shoddy episodes but how exactly did How I Met Your Mother end up being the only current American multi-cam sitcom with decent comedy?

Netflix has the producer's cut of that episode as well as some others. As well as being longer, some scenes are different. Rule of thumb: all the P&R episodes on Netflix that run more than 22 minutes are producer's cuts.

most sitcoms have good jokes, it's the ratio that matters

The Solids' "Across the Overpass" played at the end of 901.

Also in the flash forward Ted said "hey beautiful" to his wife which is the name of the theme song.

I aww'd the fuck out when Ted gave Robin the photo from the god damn title sequence.

it's pretty low again fortunately

The last time I saw "Big Fat Liar" I thought it was great and I don't know if I should try to reassess that.

*"Partners" cries softly in the corner*

NBC wrongly assumes that people would rather watch an unfunny multi-camera sitcom that costs about $1 million per episode to make than an unfunny sock puppet show sitcom that costs about $1 per episode to make.

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