Tomato Jones

Debate 109 forever, weird parody episodes never!

It could be because this is (potentially?) Greg Garcia's last season as showrunner.

Especially this season. I think most people can agree that season 2 was a bit of a slump compared to season 1 but even though some of the realism from season 1 is still missing season 3 is bringing the laughs with a vengeance. Funniest sitcom of the season IMO.

If one of those was "should the pineapple be somehow explained?" you better have answered no.

Not hate at all.

Is this where we ask for regular coverage for Disney Channel's "Dog With A Blog"?

I just had the strongest I-miss-"Bent" pangs. R.I.P. Bent.

I think I remember 'Community' having a similar scenario in season 1 where the Tim Hobert &/or Jon Pollack episodes were usually the best

I absolutely love that they never revealed who it was supposed to be in the show's universe.

Use Us And Nobody Gets Hurt

Parks & Rec has been deserving of criticism for a while now. I find it hard to believe that one can watch a season 2 episode and a season 5 episode back to back and not think the latter is really boring and hollow.

Was Maddie really wise beyond her years? She just seemed like a slightly quieter kid than most.

I just watched the pilot of Apartment 23 and really enjoyed it. Damn you, ABC!

@avclub-f9612d06549ffe449e39e34fae8e2549:disqus i think it would have gotten a lot more curious viewers if its title was Ben Fox Is My Manny

I can't say I'm devastated, but this is still pretty shitty news.

I think season 1 or the first few seasons of Malcolm In The Middle were both beloved by critics and got a ton of viewers.

I think Dana Fox is on maternity leave since she had a baby recently, so that might explain it.

I think this was the first episode where I actually cared more about BJ's plot than Kate's. I'm usually a fan of Kate but lately… I don't know. Although BJ's plot WAS really fucking funny.

I knew it was bleeped, but I still thought it'd never see the light of day.

Except ¡Rob! :(