
@Littlefinger Right, but if Jacob's off the island, who's to stop MiB from leaving?

Re: Expose. I'm pretty much indifferent about that episode because I didn't see it live (caught up on the whole series on DVD before the Season 5 finale). The comparison to me is in how it treated the characters and the audience. For a show as involved in character development as Lost, "Across the Sea," much like

I have no problem with the black/white theme, but some of the storytelling devices were just so lazy. Why can't MiB kill Jacob? Because their mother made it so. Seriously? That's the only explanation we can get? And even then, it's not true, because Jacob killed MiB. They had a great opportunity to really add to

To me, it was "Expose"
Without the tongue-in-cheek attitude. Look, I don't want or expect the "mysteries" to be explained concretely or directly. Look at how awkward the Whispers explanation was. It's lazy storytelling. But tonight was just as lazy. Who are Jacob and MiB? "Well, they're brothers who were raised


Everyone's finding their partner
Desmond w/ Penny. Hugo w/ Libby. I think Desmond Halle Berrying Alterna-Locke is an indication of what the most important pairing, and finale of the show, will be: Jack and Locke. Alterna-Locke will be taken to see Jack, and they will have their epiphany moment. So Jack will stay

My comment about the American accent not being an accent at all wasn't meant to be some sort of jingoistic proclamation of the superiority of the American dialect. Back in college, I had a class (can't remember in what. Cultural geography?) which dealt heavily in how diffusion of people across the landscape and time

"He said tip the scale, not steal the scale" -Rush Limbaugh

This is completely out of nowhere but just came to me while watching the Jacob/MiB scenes. They both speak with American accents (which is really to say that they have no accent at all), as well as speak English. I think that may beg the question "When/Where are they from?" If they're "from" anywhere at all.

Once again
Stanley's facial expressions made me laugh harder than anything on the show. I actually quite enjoyed tonight, with the exception of the green-screened dump scenes.