Dinosaur Jr - Get Me, Get Out of This, The Lung, or Just Like Heaven
Silkworm - Killing My Ass
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Powderfinger
Dinosaur Jr - Get Me, Get Out of This, The Lung, or Just Like Heaven
Silkworm - Killing My Ass
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Powderfinger
Good luck with compliance in Winnipeg, SK (sic.)
Hey it's the guy from The New Normal.
Mascis does the score for this movie.
They played the Key Arena is Seattle on their last tour. They didn't sell enough tickets to open up the upper tier. I think Win said something to the effect that they wanted to play Stadiums for aesthetic reasons despite not being able to sell them out
Yeah, rubes like my parents.
The Gorge is 196 miles from Seattle
The Cape ruled. MISS U THE CAPE
1994 is better
Tom alluded to PFT yelling at him.
A lot of neo garage rock. It really isn't a music show though it's a call-in talk program. The music is just played during the first half hour while he set up.
I think the difference is in the precision. You could set your watch to a Bottomless Pit song.
Congress does have "Red Pen" on it which is probably their best song.
So technically this is a spoiler for people have read the books too.
He had the worst chapters in A Clash of Kings but the best in A Dance with Dragons.
no it doesn't have that mockumentary thing Parks/Modern Family/The Office has.
I hope only the first 1-2 seasons are a prequel to breaking bad and then it fasts forwards to after.
I kind of assumed Simon Pegg would be Ant Man.
I think it's spelled muenster.
Upon hearing this album and this song in particular for the first time I was heartbroken. I was such a huge fan of Left & Leaving and Fallow that I couldn't deal with them doing something a little more light hearted and playful. I grew to like it but I adjusted my expectations accordingly.