
A couple of years some channel aired the failed pilot/made for 1987 TV movie 
The Man Who Fell to Earth.
she has a small part in it and she's lovely.

I like to put on The Thermals "Power Doesn't Run On Nothing" when I want to get angry.


Were your kids scared at all by the Nightosphere?

yeah I was reading it on the bus and kind of got to the point where there was just too many names of characters that are referred to just in conversation. Like the second commenter I couldn't focus or pay attention. The visual aid of the TV show is really filling in the gaps for me on parts I spaced out on.

I was watching this and said to myself "Who is this woman in the wooden mask?". I don't remember Quaithe at all. That's how bored I was by the Dany storyline in the book.

I found a typo in this review. There's a dash character after the letter grade.

Brian Wood is great too. If the writer's name is Brian then pick it up.

I read the first issue and liked it but I didn't feel like I could get in the headspace to buy into the world/mythology. Too much contemporary language and the creatures are way too humanoid with evolutionary useless mutations (like most of the Star Trek aliens). It kept shouting to me "this is an allegory". The

I liked Feast for Crows a lot. Mostly because I was spoiled on the first 3 books and was slogging through them waiting for event A-Z to happen,

Yes please I would like to see a weekly write up.

strangely I enjoyed book 4 the most. I think it's because I had been spoiled on events up to the Red Wedding so it's the first time the series felt fresh instead of waiting for the next big event that I knew was coming.

Hot. Hot Hot Hot.

Why was the airing order switched on the last two episodes? I think last night's episode would be a lot funnier to someone who didn't know anything about the characters than the wedding episode.

All the stories come together and make you feel good. It's like Larry David on Prozac.

Is it true that he doesn't listen to music recorded after 1950? If it is you can call me the Bizarro Andrew Bird.

Fuck Neko Case
Marry Taylor Swift
Kill Maroon 5

and Tom is absolutely right about Pancake Day.

less music and more thank you's to pledgers?

New…. and improved?