
I think the B totally undersells this movie, I got to see it early and I wasn't expecting much but it's so hilarious I was laughing the whole way through, I'll be happy to see it again now that it's out here just to support the filmmakers. Yeah it focuses on the tedious and mundane but that's why it's so funny, and

I was convinced at some point Abbi was going to turn a corner in Trey's apartment and find Ilana and Gemma making out. I actually liked how over the top she was about her fascination with the girls, I hope they bring her back.

Thank you, I think you probably said what I was trying to a lot better. I totally get what the show was trying to do, I mean, it wasn't subtle in the least, and I get that we're supposed to chalk it up to Eddie being a kid and also under the impression of a certain culture - rap and hip hop videos - but I don't think

I was wondering the same shit.

I get that it's supposed to be Eddie's conditioning via rap videos, but again, the fact that at no point does he get talked down for it or learn how terrible he's being just reinforces his bs. Like why didn't Louis or especially Jessica see what was happening and yell "Hey knock that the hell off!" And that Honey has

I actually liked how they handled the Leslie/Ron too, it made sense why it happened and that it lasted so long and highlighted the weaknesses of both characters and it ended with a sincere moment that wasn't over the top touchy-feely or ridiculous. And it lasted more than one episode and wasn't just an easy fix like

Ha, I feel the same way, like am I just a bad person or am I too brainwashed by sitcom tropes? But yeah, it's like it's a forgone conclusion to every conflict between these people if it will always end with them reinforcing just how much they love and support each other no matter what. The whole April and Leslie

I couldn't help but find episode 3 misogynistic as hell. Like holy crap, the 10 year old kid treating a grown woman like a stripper throwing coupons at her, then grabbing her ass? That whole plot made my skin crawl. And the kid never gets smacked upside the head for it - or in any way learns a lesson, hell the poor

I gotta say, this show's habit to end pretty much every conflict with a sincere heart to heart talk between characters has always really annoyed me and, probably because it's the last season, it's been just overwhelming lately. April's whole conflict in the first ep was if she told Leslie, Leslie would presumably

I think the first episode suffers from pilot-itis for the most part, it feels very self conscious and almost cheap and rushed, it settles in a lot better with episode 2.

Just reading that sample of dialogue made me laugh out loud, I already expect to be the creepy old spinster laughing by herself in a theater full of kids.

I always forget about the Nightman Cometh and that's a great example of Charlie going above and beyond when it's something he's willing to put effort into. Him coming down in a floating sun prop with a little chair built into it was impressive enough alone.

I will admit I let out a really dumb and embarrassingly loud "guffaw" when Mac sheepishly said that Dennis had scratched him leaving 4 perfectly manicured lines across his face. Something about that and Dennis's catty (har har) look just killed me. Also the knowledge that apparently now Dennis scratches people when

You shouldn't, it's still pretty gross and it's still statutory. Just because Dan't telling a dude not to force his wife to admit to something traumatizing her when it didn't doesn't give you a free pass to have sex with girls who are too young to really consent.

I don't think the event was traumatic at all, I think even the way the guy framed it as far as his wife has told him it was consensual and apparently a good enough memory that she still considers the guy an acquaintance, I think it's more that the husband is being overly controlling and HE thinks it was traumatic. The

Meandering or absent - neither bode well for the film's legacy. And saying 'audiences are dumb' then claiming you didn't really mean audiences, just the small group of critics and whatnot who like the movie kind of threw me off there, I guess.

From everything I've seen of it, Jupiter Ascending has a chunk of really pretty designs (Eddie Redmayne's costumes for instance) and a chunk of reeeally dumb ones (Channing Tatum's whole…thing) and I think it's too early to say anything's being overlooked. And when it comes to comparing things like Speed Racer, which

Or as if the fact that 75% of the back of his head was gone wasn't proof enough that he was pretty dead.

Dennis has increasingly become the most fascinating and hilarious character on this show. All of the characters' "foibles" have been ratcheted up through the seasons but Dennis has really gone from a smarmy, smarter-than-thou ladies' man, to an absolutely un-imitateable lunatic. I think if given different

I have nothing truly interesting to add here except: hell yes.