I haven't watched BSG because of everything I've heard about the finale. If you're making a sci-fi show, gimme a sci-fi ending please.
I haven't watched BSG because of everything I've heard about the finale. If you're making a sci-fi show, gimme a sci-fi ending please.
Anna Torv was woefully underused in early episodes. She was all like, "what's that" and "let's go" and standing around looking all serious-like.
I watched all of Lost over a span of two weeks which may influence my opinion on the matter, but I find it absurd that anyone expected Lost to wrap up neatly. The show's mythology was a big sprawling mess with things scattered around (especially in the earlier seasons when they didn't know their endgame), and there…
Why? They charge $3 more for tickets, and people still buy them.
wow, i failed at this in like, 5 different ways.
will be the first episode of hte office ive seen in years
will be the first episode of hte office ive seen in years
I loved when the EMTs showed up and she was like "no, I got this." Fuck yes Britta.
"her breasts were padded"
britta story
"Britta sees something she cannot unsee, and suddenly her views on the matter are completely turned around."
did you see regis this morning?
Agreed. I'd imagine the rights to Hotel California would have been too expensive.
I hate setup episodes. They feel so anticlimactic. It's nice to be back on track though after the Bellivia detour, which was interesting I guess but took up way too much real estate.
fuck that shit, it's utorrent
This episode has inspired me to spearhead a Cape revival campaign.
using chrome. worked fine.
It baffles me how they accomplish that with Archer. Best cast ever? Best editors ever?
@magnus: yeah, you are full of yourself. no, admitting you are full of yourself does not make you any less of a fucking douchebag.
really can't wrap my head around why so many people are into this band. yeah, funeral is pretty great but the other two records are so dull.