Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbuste

Same. I used to be a big O&A fan, especially when I had XM for a year or two. Patrice was a riot on that show.

that thought could be expressed in about six words. bandwidth is precious, and so is my time.

spot on, heller's being a doofus

Upset that I have but one "Like" to give.

It used to show the whole thing back in the day and it still does on my profile, but *fart*

Also: Fuck you Betty Draper, you made this show almost unwatchable.

*lifts butt cheek out of chair*

where where where????

I don't mean to sound so snarky.

You look like as jackass right now.

That's a good point. I still think Sean should have fun with it though; this just comes off as "NUH UH YOU!"

Defensive much, AV Club? Why give White any more attention?

I read "epic space jams" and "thinking-man's arena-rock" and got a little interested. Previewed this in iTunes and… are you fucking kidding? This shit is literal garbage. Even U2 would be embarrassed to sound like this.

thanks for this. the review intrigued me and…. wanna check em out.

I watched this last night and it was fucking terrible. Started fine, then around the time the motherfucking ghostbusters show up it just went straight to shit. It's more a parody of a horror movie than anything else.


AV Club (tm) Post of the Year (tm).

I'll be the first one in line for this, that's for sure!

Oh I own a TV. And I never liked Lost. OMG How Is That Possible Riiiite????? *is the average lost fan*

There is no Dana, only Zuul.