Good entry for that aesthetic: IN THE HEART OF THE SEA. A nonfiction telling of the wreck of the whaleship Essex. It's pretty fucked up.
Good entry for that aesthetic: IN THE HEART OF THE SEA. A nonfiction telling of the wreck of the whaleship Essex. It's pretty fucked up.
Go with THE SHINING. It's an excellent example of the Modern American Gothic Novel. It's creepy as hell. 'SALEM'S LOT is really uneven. That book just draaaags at parts. It's important to read the stuff he wrote when he could still be edited. Now he gets to shit out 1,000 pages and no one says, Steve, this may be too…
If anything, Penny Arcade should make the list for the goddamned phenomenon it has become. They have a hugely successful charity founded on a dare with Jack Thompson. They run a convention that draws 60,000 people annually—and is expanding to the East Coast. They're getting about 4 million readers a month—is…
I made my Dad buy this before it went on sell-through—$98! I watched the SHIT out of this movie. At least 100 times, perhaps 150? I watched it again on Netflix streaming recently, and still enjoyed it. Some favorite moments:
"Quiet! You smell something?"
"The FLOWers are still standing."
"Uh, um, a coupla wavy lines?"…
Can't they just rework it into some protest songs?
Lips like suuuuuuuuugar
Sugaaaaaaar taaaaaaaaxessssss.
His most famous quote…
…isn't in one of his works of fiction. It's from _Supernatural Horror in Literature_, to wit:
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
A LEGO Mick Jagger is probably out of the questions. This is a family game.
How the fuck are these LEGOs supposed to put the on red shoes they will need to dance the blues?
What do those editors at the OC Register do all fucking day? Isn't it their goddamned job to put the kibosh on this kind of shit? Sportswriters are about as smart as a bag of hammers—of COURSE this idiot isn't going to realize how awful this is. That's what editors are -for-. Just terrible. F.
I'd have to go with Tommy Shaw as best thing in Damn Yankees.
I grew up in Spencer, MA. In the sticks of Spencer, no less. I got out though! You can too!
Someone on the fence about seeing Chinatown? What the fuck, people? It's one of the best movies ever made. It's filled with moments that will stick with you. Cross referring to "Mister Gitz"—"It's GitTEES". "You know what happens to nosy fellows?" "Forget it, Jake, it's Chinatown." DAMN I love this movie. Get off your…
Same here. Wii Sports was nice, but everyone makes it sound like the end all be all on the Wii. I played it again the other day after some months off and it was nice. It's totally -great- for folks that don't play video games, like my Dad. It's probably the first video game he understands since Pong. That said, the…
Sounds like Dwarf Fortress graduated from DOS graphics to 16-bit. Digging little caves, ecosystems, and what not.
Also, lets not forget her performance as a delicious Italian bread, usually made with raisins or other embedded fruit, served ideally with some marscapone and a nice liqueur. Oscar worthy!
First: I'd always assumed you looked like Patton Oswalt. So, you're moving in the right direction.
The Who?
Bachmann Turner Overdrive should fit the bill:
Bookworm is available—but Bookworm Adventure is not. Bookworm Adventure is made of awesome and should be ported to my pants. Bookworm alone is OK, if a little "small" in design space.
OH LIKE FROM KILL BILL, amirite!? That is -hilarious-!