Shao Ping

Not to mention the current (if winding down) prison strike is explicitly pitched as a fight against prison slavery.

Relating David Hume to Buddhism was especially nice.

Maybe so, but he doesn't seem terribly curious about it.

He also said blacks (or rather people living in the inner city) want stop and frisk.

I found it amazing that Pence interrupted Kaine to bring up the Trump Foundation.


If you haven't watched it already, you should see Banshee. He has a similar role and the show is great and brutal in the best way.

Heck, pretty sure District of Columbia vs. Heller and Bush vs. Gore are worse modern Supreme Court decisions.

Gawker actually did some good reporting on it.

fwiw it's actually all Trump supporters think there is a 22 percent chance he'll start a nuclear war, etc.

He also, judging from previous debates, just gets tired after half an hour. "Low Energy", like "Crooked" and "Lying", was projection too.

Smart move.

“So if spending eternity getting blunt feedback on your circular, rambling ideas will make you happy, then of course I will be your advisor!”

Maybe, though the whole way they tabulate who goes to the Good Place means you can do a few monumentally good things and that will cancel out the bad you do. Even the best people probably have faults and things they can improve on.

I think most people know who they're voting for. Unfortunately, lots of folk like racism and most of his policies are fairly natural extensions of mainstream Republican opinions—it's just he shouts what he should dogwhistle.

Only if you're impressed by lies.