He makes a cameo, actually.
He makes a cameo, actually.
I saw this with a group of friends last night and we laughed the whole time. It's a gleefully stupid comedy, very much in the same vein as the first.
I fucking love Anchorman 2. Thought it was as good as the first. And it got great reviews when it came out, so I don't think it's going to be in the same league as that Dumb and Dumber sequel.
Seemed like a crazy missed opportunity to not have Larry David's character be a Trump ancestor.
Truly one of the weirder movies I've seen. Not entirely sure what I just watched, but I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it.
Not just my favorite Coen movie, but perhaps my favorite movie.
"I'm votin' for yours truly."
"I'm votin' for yours truly, too!"
"Well…I'm with you fellers."
Podcasts Are Wonderful! Great show!
Not that I've been on it or anything. But it I had been? I'd tell you to listen to the Larry the Cable Guy episode. Very charming person on that one.
Burton's Alice in Wonderland is perhaps my least favorite movie of all time. He turned my favorite book into low-rent Lord of the Rings; replaced the absurdity and chaos for "girl had to find a sword and slay the dragon" tale.
WHOA. That's actually perfect. Quick! Call Netflix!
These are my exact feelings. I would have NEVER thought of him, but I can also see how it could work. I'm the rare person who thought Carrey was perfect in the first movie. He was exactly how theatrical and over-the-top as I imagined Olaf might be, and the first three books never quite captured how dark Olaf truly…
Shit, I always forget about the Hostile Hospital but it's soooo good. One of the few books I've read on one sitting. The opening bit when they're in the convenience store has a lot of tension, as I recall.
Gotta disagree with you on Penultimate Peril. That's one of the ones I read the most. It was a brilliant way of culminating all the scummy characters the Baudilaires has met, and there was something about the idea of a hotel where every guest has a dark secret that really captivated my imagination.
The Austere Academy and the Grim Grotto were always my favorites. They were both so atmospheric, incredibly dark and truly hilarious.
WHAT. No. Really?
Drive is one of my all-time favorite movies but I never saw this due to the vitriolic reaction. I need to give it a shot.
I just started Season 1…what's happening to Deschanel?
I really like the show, but this absolutely needs to be the last season. This is not meant to be a long-running show. The house of cards has to start toppling at some point.
It's hilarious that Kratz said in that recent interview that the filmmakers "conveniently" left out most of the confession. This is so much worse. That guy is truly scum.
I think the documentary is actually more objective than some people are saying. All of the supposed "excluded evidence against him" from the doc has come out, and A) It's not as damning as what was included, and B) It's just as suspicious and open to interpretation as the evidence that *was* shown. There is still…